
Archive – May 2016

GIS Zonguldak

I have observed interesting science and engineering studies at the universities and learned a lot of things with little girls when we were maximizing creativity and team-work in STEM projects. Moreover, I have gained a sense of responsibility through this corporate project.

The GIS project instantly got my attention because I have been following Aziz Sancar from the very beginning. I wrote an e-mail to the project founder about myself and the value I can add to the project, and I was invited to an interview. From the beginning to the end, I took charge of the growth and development …

GIS Istanbul

In the order of cities I have been: Bulent Ecevit University(Zonguldak), Harran University(Urfa), Mersin University, Ardahan University, Usak University, Ankara University, Istanbul Technical University; we brought children with universities together. It was really inspiring due to the importance of Turkish girls.
